No-Comply Film Blog

Week 16

Mahina – I spent this last week uploading and sorting through all of the production paperwork. I forced myself to stop procrastinating things this week and I felt pretty productive I even finished my other film for my doc class. I have EVERYONE’s paperwork I checked it with the credits. I am still waiting to…

Week 15 –

Mahina- This week I worked on the festival research and scanning receipts for Maia. I really need to start uploading paperwork, I admit I have been procrastinating a bit but I will do it by the end of this week. I am still waiting for SAG to email me back and sometimes that keeps me…

Week 14-No Comply-Dying, More Edits, SAG

Maia-Honors submission, editing, music I am (figuratively) dying this week under all of the work I may or may no have procrastinated, I promise I will give a more extensive update and edit this week’s blog post as well next week. Ciana and Colton are working on the edit, switching off every couple of days…

Week 13-No Comply-Out of the frying pan and into the rough cut

Mahina-This week I put the credits together and searched through the paperwork to make sure I had the paperwork for everyone who is in the credits. Maia and I also went through and tried to ensure we thanked everyone who helped with permitting, SAG, and professors that helped with script and otherwise. I realized that…

Week 12? I think-No Comply-

Mahina-No Comply-Paperwork, missing SSN  I’ve gone through all of the paperwork. I still need to upload risk releases to the drive but, overall its all there. I had a little freak out this week when I realized our actress’ social security number was missing one number. I contacted her mother and was able to fix…

Week 11-No Comply-Editing, how does this go together?

Maia, Colton, and Ciana have been zooming to try to figure out how to edit this experimental film. It is hard because its so different from the standard film editing that we usually do. We need to find an order to put the clips in, especially where to stick the flash backs. The editors are…

Week 10-No Comply-Finished Shooting, Editing, Coronavirus

We finished shooting! After a second exhausting weekend, we finished. Notable points from the weekend, equipment can be unreliable, we sent Lisette to the wrong location…twice (we are SO sorry), and we will have no reshoots because the coronavirus has put us all under quarantine. Shooting went well given the circumstances. Yes, we ran long…

Week 9-No Comply-First weekend of shooting

Overall, I think the first weekend of shooting went ok. I think there is the sense we wish we could have gotten more done, there were shots that had to be cut, but what we did get we can work with. There were a few errors that we need to make sure are not repeated…

Week 8—No Comply—Test Day, Meeting with actors, meeting with crew

We picked up our equipment Friday in preparation for our test day. We got the wonderful news we could not use a tripod or monitor because they connect to a non-ACM camera. We took the gear back to Maia’s house. Saturday, our child actors came and got to know each other a little better. Chloe…

Week 5-No comply- Auditions, Script Revisions, and Production Design

Week five was focused on auditions. We held auditions 9am-2pm this past Sunday and saw 14 people. Overall, we think we probably found Young Cleveland, Present Cleveland, and Beth somewhere in the mix. The father might have been a bust. Between SAG and some iffy auditions we still have to think about our final actor.…

Week 2 — No Comply — Dates, Casting Call, Script

We spent the first week meeting and developing a plan for the rest of the semester. There were some things we needed to work out and talk about in order to get started on production. We worked well in coming up with solutions on how we could get this project completed on a time crunch.…

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